Do you believe in service, care about children, interested in the community around you? Love to see the difference you make in the community? Then joining Kiwanis of Arlington Heights is for you. Join your friends, neighbors and more than 7,000 Kiwanis clubs to make a better world for children.
Working together gives us greater power. Creating a safer community, a place to learn and grow, and a place children can call home. As a volunteer, you become part of a vision to provide children support, while you develop life skills and leadership abilities.
Study shows volunteering enhances mental health, higher levels of happiness, self-esteem, and life satisfaction. Join today to benefit from this great cause and to be a part of our programs.
Back to School Backpacks
Feed Our Starving Children (Schaumburg Location)
Camp Independence
Christmas Food Baskets
Community Suppers @ Faith Lutheran Church
Birthday Giving Program
And many more!