Millions of children world wide suffer from hunger, homelessness, and disease. Together, we can start by bettering our communities and provide support children need to thrive. Help us today by making donation to our foundation that goes to a great cause. Children are the future.
Kiwanis Club of Arlington Heights donates its time and resources in the community that benefits children from local to as far as countries across the sea. We've participated in Feed Our Starving Children to pack food that is shipped to countries all over the world. A part of 1.2+ million volunteers, and 333,447,912 million meals packed in 2017-2018 (FMSC.org).
In our community, we donated supplies and our time to Back-to School backpacks through Faith Lutheran Church. Supplies were donated from local businesses and community members to give children the ability to attend school with the necessary supplies to learn and grow.
Help us continue to grow our projects in our communities. As every penny makes a difference in the lives of children, 100% of your donation goes towards our cause. We Thank You for your continued support in enriching the lives of the children!